What is an Aura? An Exercise for Interpreting Color in the Auric Field

psychic Dec 06, 2020

The Aura is a unique energetic field that surrounds every living thing. Auras can be seen, sensed and felt as well as expand and contract. Your aura holds experiences both present, past, and future. A very common way that auras are interpreted by mediums and psychics is through color. Some people see color with their physical eyes but we don’t need to actually see a color to know what’s there. You can see color clairvoyantly in “your mind’s eye” and/or you may feel colors with your intuition. When seeing clairvoyantly this will feel like it’s in the same space as your imagination. When feeling colors with your intuition it’s important to try and move the conscious mind aside and go with the first impression you’re getting. This can be achieved through practice when it’s something we are feeling drawn to do. In both instances, it’s important to trust yourself and have patience. Many people feel like they are “making it up” and “just imagining things” when learning to do this.

My experience is that I will typically see auras with my physical eyes but will tend to only see colors when I become curious about them or when I am working or in a Mediumistic state. To me reading the aura is one of the most helpful tools when connecting with a new client.

All colors will have different aspects to them. For example, we may see a color that gives a feeling of someone having a strong work ethic and high standards of themselves and upon looking deeper another aspect of this color could be an underlying self-criticism.

Now imagine being able to feel into the experience that has caused this self-criticism and being able to feel or see where in life this originated. For some people, it can be very validating to be “seen” in this way. Sometimes another person having an awareness of our experiences without us having to tell them a word can provide immense healing and validation that’s needed. Providing a deeper sense of self awareness to a client can be very healing.

Through developing our senses we may start to become aware of a color system that can be felt or even seen clairvoyantly. There places you may find a definition or dictionary of colors however I feel it’s much more useful to develop your own color system. This will allow you to work intuitively. You can begin doing this by simply noticing how certain colors make you feel. Are there certain objects in your home that you find comforting? Notice if they have a color palette in common. You might also think of someone in your life that may be angry, passionate or action-oriented for example. The ask yourself what color do you associate with this person?

Here is an exercise you can do at home to begin to develop your own color system.

You’ll need:

1. An empty box or shoebox

2. Notebook and pen to write

3. A blindfold to help you keep your eyes closed

Several items of varying color that are the same in size. (I have used a set of candles I have in lots of colors, but you could use ribbons or even crayons. Crystals also work well if you have a partner that can add them to the box with you seeing them.)

  • First, remove one item from the box one and hold it while blindfolded. As you hold the item, notice how it feels in your hand, if you had to assign it a temperature would it be hot or cool? What emotion would suit this object, are there any words or images that come to mind. It’s important not to force this process, simply allow your intuition to lead you and accept the first thing that comes to mind. If you feel your mind interfering take a breath to center yourself, this clears the mind for a moment allowing something else to come through.
  • Second, after you’ve held the object for a moment open your eyes and write down your impressions and record the color.
  • Lastly discard the object from the collection box and choose a new object repeating the process. Record your observations and repeat the process until you move through each color.

Sheryl Wagner - Author

Welcome, I’m so glad you are here. I’m Sheryl, a psychic medium, teacher, and author of the book Uncovering Intuition. I love writing about my experiences with the Spirit World and the magic of synchronicity. Learn more about how you can work with me.

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