How to Set Intentions

empowerment intuition Jan 17, 2022

Your intention is the most powerful thing you have in creating your reality. Everything begins with intention whether it be conscious or subconscious. No matter what you hope to achieve, be it manifesting, love, abundance, or a state of well being, stating your intention or desired result is the seed from which life grows. If you want to change your reality, outcome, or process, begin simply with changing your intention. Intentions are slightly different than affirmations, to read more about affirmations click here


In my spiritual work, beginning every session with an intention is a valuable part of my practice. I state my desired result and make it clear to the Spirit World, the universe, or my client what I intend to accomplish through my work. For example when connecting with a client in a mediumship session I may set the intention “to connect with the Spirit World and bring through clear, recognizable, evidence for the healing and greatest good of everyone involved.” This can be spoken out loud or simply in my thoughts, and I will include my clients name in my intention. 


Intentions are not just for spiritual work. You can set your intention for anything meaningful in your life that you wish to bring change or focus to. Some intentions may be daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. A daily intention may be “to practice self compassion” for example. While a yearly intention may be “to experience joy more frequently,” “to experience spiritual growth,” or “take meaningful actions towards a goal.” 


Here are some examples of daily intentions:


To be present and mindful throughout the day

Trust the power of my intuition

Be mindful of my breath

To be open to new experiences

Take the time I need before responding to requests

Be clear in my communication

Honor my boundaries and speak up for myself

Practice self compassion

To begin setting intentions:


Get clear on your values


Values are fundamental beliefs that help to inform your actions. Before stating any intention, you’ll want to spend some time getting clear on what it is you value, how you want to feel and what you hope to achieve. Your intentions will be particularly powerful when they align with your values. Try to make a list of some core values so that you can begin aligning your intentions with what's truly important to you. To identify your values, think of a time when you felt fulfilled, free or unlimited. What did that feel like to you? What in your life gives you a sense of meaning and purpose? What do you feel most proud of? Try journaling or meditating on these questions to get an idea of what you value. 

Determine what you hope to achieve


This should be aligned with your core values and feel good to you on every level mind, body, and spirit. Setting intentions based on what you’d like based on the perceptions or judgements of others will not be as powerful as setting intentions that align with what your soul desires. 


To get clear on what you desire try journaling or meditating on the following questions.


What does your inner world look like?

What is needed to bring your dreams into reality? 


Write your intentions or speak them out loud


When you speak or write your intentions you send a powerful energetic vibration to the universe. Psychologically you also make a connection to what it is you want to manifest. Try incorporating your intention into daily practice through journaling. If you have an altar or sacred space in your home you can create a ritual with your intentions. Stand in front of your altar, light the candles and state your intentions. By doing this you are affirming what you want and honoring the desires you have. 


Keep it positive


When you create intentions it’s important to write them in a positive tone. Focus on what you do want, not on what you hope to avoid. For example if you frequently lose your patience and get frustrated at work you might set the intention “Today I will listen mindfully before responding” or “Today, I will take a deep breath and give everyone the benefit of the doubt.” By focusing on the positive you shift your perception of the situation and greatly increase your chances of successfully honoring your intention. 


Release your attachment to the results


When we put something into the universe it’s important to let go and allow the process to unfold naturally. You would plant seeds and then stand there staring at them until they grow. By trying to control outcomes or being deeply attached to an idea we may have of exactly how things should unfold we limit ourselves. My advice is to set your intention and then go experience your life. 


Make it a practice


Setting intentions is something that you can begin to do in daily life and incorporate into your routine. You may try writing your intention and leaving it someplace where you’ll see it often or stating your intention to yourself several times at night before falling asleep. 


To begin setting your intention at the beginning of the day:


Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Have something to write in—a journal or notebook. Sit with your eyes closed and just notice your breath for a few moments. 

With your thoughts, ask the Universe, your Guides, the Spirit World, or your own inner wisdom, “Where should I focus my intention for the day?” Focus on your breath until you feel, sense, know, see, or hear a response. Be open to receive this information in whatever form it comes to you.


For example: if you are someone who feels deeply and when you sit you can feel the sunshine on your skin and have an overwhelming feeling of joy, perhaps your intention is to focus on finding joy and being outside. Or perhaps you hear a voice telling you to outline a creative project that you have been putting off, and suddenly you know exactly how simple this task will be. 


Write down the response you receive then look at and reflect for a moment on what you’ve written. Notice how your intention feels in your body. Start to notice the alignment taking shape within you. 


If, in these quiet moments with your morning intention you recognize that your inner knowing has the answer, you can begin to recognize it through your day.


Read next Creating a Sacred Space: How to build an altar or Getting in Alignment with Your Intuition

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Sheryl Wagner - Author

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