5 Big Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Psychic Business

business psychic Mar 28, 2022
a woman organizing her new psychic business in a notebook planner


Starting a new business is exciting and also terrifying! While working for yourself in a field you love sounds empowering, it often comes with the burden of added financial stress and the pressure of every business decision you make and how it affects your well-being. When you work for yourself you are the one who has to decide how hard to work, how often, when to grow, and what to invest in. Often we imagine that this will mean we will treat ourselves more gently than our previous bosses or corporations have but in my experience entrepreneurs can be their own most brutal bosses. We more rarely stop to appreciate our efforts, give ourselves time off or invest in our own personal growth.

A recent study from Harvard Business school shows that “entrepreneurs are more at risk of burnout because they tend to be extremely passionate about work and more socially isolated, have limited safety nets, and operate in high uncertainty”. I feel like this is more greatly intensified in psychic or healing businesses because we are our businesses, not only the face of our business but our bodies, minds, and spirits often need to be a priority in order for our work to meet our standards. As a spiritual business owner, your energy is your currency. 



Five years ago, I was burnt out and forced to make a change. My mental and physical health were suffering because of the way I had been living my life and I quit my job as a finance manager and made the decision to start working full-time as a psychic medium with almost no plan or expectation of how it would go.


It’s important that I stop here and recognize some privilege because I did have a lot going for me. I was able to have a lucrative career working in the auto industry for my family's business and built up my savings for years prior to leaving my job. I also had the benefit of business and marketing experience from my career in the auto industry as well as the skills, drive, and hustle acquired working in a restaurant business before that.

Another thing I had going for me was that I was in such rough shape that I didn’t care much about what happened to me or my business at first. I acted soley on my instincts to follow a calling to step away from everything that was hurting me and follow what I felt was my purpose. I began by renting a small office space and created a website where people could book a free reading.

After the first two months, I had given readings to over 40 clients and my sense of well-being seemed to improve. I decided I would travel to the UK to study mediumship at The Arthur Findlay College and this ended up being a great confirmation of my choices. When I returned home, I began putting all of my energy into my psychic mediumship business and over time have created a sustainable income for myself. This year, I published my first book Uncovering Intuition which delves more deeply into my personal journey. 


The following list is by no means exhaustive, rather it is some of what I’ve learned after starting a psychic mediumship business and what I’ve experienced having worked for a small business for 17 years prior to running my own. Some of these are mistakes I’ve made and others are common ones I see in other psychic mediums and healers that I’ve had the privilege to know and work with. 




1. Not thinking of your work as a business 


Do you think of yourself as a small business? Do you call yourself a business owner? A passion, calling, or spiritual gifts are all common words that mediums, psychics and healers easily use to refer to their business. “My business” is not one that I hear often enough. For some, there seems to be some shame around charging for their services and in some cases this might be a lack of self confidence or imposter syndrome especially if you haven’t worked in a business atmosphere before.

If you are getting ready to start offering your services to the general public you have likely invested time and money into training, securing a professional space, materials, website or utilities to name a few. There are clients that need your services and you deserve to be paid for your work just as any other professional. If I call an electrician to come to my house or consult with an attorney I don't expect them to help me for free because they have been "gifted with unique abilities".

Psychic, mediumship and healing services should be seen similarly. You’ll need to manage your time, money and business as such. I have seen this simple shift in thinking hold many people back from charging what they are worth, marketing their services and placing boundaries around their time. Start affirming yourself and your work by thinking of it as it is, a business that you care for and that will hopefully take care of you. 




2. Comparing yourself to others


You may have heard that comparison is the thief of joy. It is especially detrimental to small business owners. While it is helpful to look up to and be inspired by other professionals in your field, constant comparisons will have you in your head and not in your flow of work. My advice is to have a process in place that you consistently stick to and measure your success not by specific achievements, but by overall performance in your individual process. For example, I developed a simple strategy of posting on social media in 2020. I gave myself office hours where I would plan content and brainstorm about what my business would be able to provide for others and part of my process was asking for feedback from clients. I have a process for how often I practice, record myself and assess myself.

When I was writing my book, I had a schedule that I forced myself to stick to and hired a writing coach for accountability. I challenge myself to practice self development and professional development every year. This allows me (for the most part) to focus on what I’m doing and not get caught up in comparisons with my colleagues. This is one of the most essential and life changing steps that I took early on and with this I feel I could easily get distracted and feel defeated by what other people are doing when I’m feeling vulnerable. Focus on your process, that way you’ll have an accurate measure for how effective you are rather than comparing your business (and all your hard work) to someone else's highlight reel. For more advice in developing a process, I highly recommend reading Atomic Habits by James Clear




3. Not investing in yourself (or overinvesting without direction)


I mentioned earlier that part of my process is committing to regular self and professional development and I feel it’s essential to my growth. First let me say that I also see the opposite in business owners and it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that someone else out there has “the answer”. At some point it’s time to stop taking classes and trust yourself and your abilities. We need development, but if we are constantly looking to coaches and spiritual teachers to validate our skills it can be undermining and confusing at best. You are unique, and what you have to offer the world will be different than what anyone else has to offer.

I recommend self-development that helps you to become the truest version of yourself or learn essential skills to your craft. As professionals, we can't go jumping from every course in our field that’s available in order to see what's out there. There are other ways to gain insight, skills and development. This year I participated in a hypnotherapy training and became a certified hypnotist which has helped enrich the meditations I offer my clients and given me a greater understanding of levels of consciousness.

Some things that I’ve enjoyed researching lately are the human brain, astrology, cult dynamics, color theory, communication styles and death cultures throughout the world. These subjects have given me knowledge and inspiration for my work. Seek out only what is enriching and be discerning. When you do find something that resonates with you don’t be afraid to invest! Self-development is esential in this work, remeber your energy is your currency. 




4. Not having systems in place or ignoring technology


You can start creating systems for your business that work for you now. If there is a common question or concern that gets emailed to you on a regular basis, have a format to answer that question or a place on your website you can direct clients that answers for you. There are a number of online services that can handle scheduling for you (I use Acuity). You don’t need to spend half the day emailing back and forth with clients — some of whom may never even schedule with you.

Provide clear directions to your office, give clear instructions for virtual sessions and automate appointment reminders to save yourself time and energy. Decide how much you will charge for a session, what your process will be and try to automate that, this way you are not concerned with collecting payments the day of your sessions and your client can have peace of mind in knowing what to expect. Communicating clearly on your website and through emails with clients will save you time and create meaningful connections. People appreciate honesty and clarity. As you go, create a plan for various situations that may arise.


For example, some common questions to consider are:

1. What if someone cancels an appointment the day of? 

 2. What if a session is not going well and your client asks for a refund?

 3. What if a client needs or asks for help beyond your scope of practice? (you might decide to have a few therapists you can refer clients to, the name of resources in your area for domestic violence, emergency mental health services etc.)

 4. What if you become ill and have to cancel a session? 

Having a process can help remove a lot of the stress you feel as a small business owner because you will know how to handle difficult situations as they arise. 




5. Not having a business plan 


When things get difficult, your business plan and mission statement are ways for you to reconnect to your “why”, the reason you do what you do and "how" you plan to get there. Your business plan doesn't need to be complicated, but without direction there is only so far you can go. 


Here are some questions to get you started in writing a business plan:

 1. What is it that I do?

 2. Who are my potential clients?

 3. What do I offer my clients?

 4. What is my favorite part of my work?

 5. What is unique about me and what I offer?

 6. How will I let potential clients know what I offer?

 7. How can my work affect others or the world in a positive way?

 8. How do I feel when my work affects others and the world in a positive way?

 9. What are my goals with the work that I do? Short term? Long term?

  • Short term goals might be to start a blog and send it to your email list, learning how to use an online scheduler, or adding a FAQ section to your website. 
  • A long term goal would be publishing a book, creating an online course, or starting a podcast. 


To look at the economics of your business, you’ll want to know:

1. How much money is required to start your business? 

2. How much to sustain your business? 

3. How will you collect money and what are the potential revenue streams for your business?

4. Look at some financial projections so that you can plan for the future and know what it takes to accomplish your long and short term goals. 


You likely have the answers to most of these questions inside of you. Take It one step further and share the mission statement part of your business with your clients to create connections and attract people who are excited about what you do and how you do it!




Why Psychic Businesses Fail



1. Starting a business for the wrong reasons

You alone know your reasons for starting a psychic or mediumship business, and you don’t need to justify these reasons to anyone—except yourself. There are a lot of mediums and psychics in the world, but not everyone feels compelled to start a business. I sometimes see clients that start a business because they think it will provide them with more free time and a flexible schedule, and this will likely not be the case. Running a business takes time, dedication, and tolerance for failure. Some of the right reasons for starting a psychic or mediumship business might be that you feel you could provide a valuable service to a community and are passionate about doing so.

Another misconception is that once you start working as a professional psychic or medium, you’ll be doing what you love all the time. So often, when we feel drawn to this work, we crave the time to devote to it. Once things change and this becomes your primary job, there are days when it will feel more like work. You’ll have to handle client issues, social media management, and the financial side of running a business. Working in a field you love can be rewarding, however, there are challenges and pressure that come with supporting yourself as a small business owner.



2. Not connecting with your target audience

In my experience, psychics and mediums can be some of the most interesting and lovely people. As a group, however, we don’t have the reputation for being the most tech-savvy or extroverted bunch. Starting a business means you’ll have to promote yourself. You’ll need to get comfortable talking about what you do and why you do it. Being a professional psychic or medium is no longer a rare occupation, and word of mouth is likely not enough to sustain a small business over time. You’ll need multiple ways of spreading the word to your target audience through social media, blogging, or holding events to showcase your work. 



3. Not providing value

Many people delay working as a psychic or medium because they feel they are not ready or they don’t have enough confidence in their abilities. If this is the case for you, and you have been honing your craft and feel confident in your ability to serve the public, don’t let this point dissuade you from following what you know is your calling. It’s difficult to quantify the value of a psychic or mediumship reading because this service deals with the unseen world and may be hard to assess. How do we know if we providing value? Well, I recommend asking yourself these questions before offering services to the public as a means of supporting yourself.

If someone comes to you that is grieving, are you confident that you can meet their need? If you are offering mediumship services, this means they may have lost a child, partner, or best friend. There will be rare occasions when you’re not a good match for someone, and you’ll want to have a plan or another provider to refer them to.

Do you feel confident in your ethics? Psychic and mediumship services are not regulated, and you’ll need to know what your ethics and boundaries are when you’re serving the public. Will you offer readings for someone who says it’s an emergency? What if someone asks you to get information that feels beyond your scope? How will you handle clients that want to book too frequently? Do you believe in ethical marketing? These are all situations that will require you to have a code of ethics to be sustainable.




Steps to Start a Psychic Business



1. Develop a business plan

A successful business might be created on a whim but never sustained. If you’re serious about starting a business to serve the public offering psychic or mediumship services, you’ll need at least an outline of a business plan. 


Your business plan should include:

  • A description of your business
  • What services do you plan to offer
  • Your operating costs
  • Logistics (where and how you’ll conduct your business)
  • Who will your clients be
  • A marketing plan (how you’ll reach your clients)

You’ll want to define what services you plan to offer and to who. Where will your business be located and what are the operating costs associated with your work? A lot of psychics and mediums can work remotely, but you’ll need to list an address on your website and any emails that you send, so if you plan to work from home, opening a PO Box in your business name could be helpful. If you have a physical location you’ll like to need an insurance policy. 

 Decide if you’ll be doing business under your legal name or another name, and consult an attorney or accountant for advice if you’re unsure of the laws in your area. Having a website is essential so that people can find you, understand what services you offer, and schedule appointments with you. You might start with social media, but a website is something you’ll want to have if you plan to support your business in the future. 



2. Define your values 

You’ll learn a lot from working as a professional psychic or medium but the best time to get clear with yourself about your values is in the beginning. Even if you have great self-awareness, defining your values and having a mission statement are critical when you own a small business. Putting your values on your website and into your marketing is a great way to let people know who you are and what you stand for.

For example, one of my core values is trust. In my work, trust is held firmly at the heart of everything I do. Over the years, as I’ve developed my own mediumship and intuition, I’ve had to learn to trust myself fully to receive the signs around me and channel the messages that come to me from spirit. Trust is also key in how I relate to my clients. Each person is putting their trust in me, in my guidance, and I am also putting trust in them to be open to the possibilities of something new or unexpected. When we trust, we become more open to love and to spirit.



3. Market your business

I’ve had several teachers over the years tell me that I don't need to market myself as a medium. A few of the reasons I’ve heard are that “if you’re good enough, people will find you” or “the spirit world will send you the clients that are right for you.” My introverted soul loved to hear this, but after working in the car business for 17 years, my mind knew this was not the case. 

I’m not saying these statements are completely untrue; I believe there is an element of fate in business. However, if you want to support a successful sustainable business, you are going to want a marketing plan that develops over time. When I started my business, I offered free readings, and I got a certain amount of word-of-mouth referrals that kept me busy. Then I moved to events and would offer house parties. I would go to someone's house and offer mediumship or psychic readings in a group format. Then I began sharing my work on social media and started a blog on my website. Over the years, as I and my business grew and evolved, so did my marketing plan. Define a few ways you can let people know who you are and what it is you do and focus on those. When something is not working, research alternatives and pivot as needed. 



4. Invest in your business

Knowing when and how much to invest in your business takes constant consideration. Over the years, I’ve worked with website designers, photographers, business coaches, mentors and social media managers. Some of the people I hired were ethical, and some were completely out of their depth and borderline fraudulent. I recommend researching, asking for multiple referrals, and asking as many questions as you need to feel comfortable when you’re investing in your business.

Don’t assume that a high price tag equals value to you and your business. More classes and consulting are not always the answer. When it takes an enormous amount of energy to do something mundane in your business, it’s usually a good idea to outsource it if you can afford to. I built my first website myself, and it worked fine for years. In the beginning, simple is best. Focus on communicating your values, why you do what you do, and why you love helping people. Above all, stay true to who you are and trust your own wisdom. 


5. Diversify your income streams

Your first few years in business might be unpredictable. It will take time for you to understand what your busy season is and when people are more likely to contact you. I remember being swamped with eight readings a day in October and then panicking in April when no one was booking. Going into this venture with savings and an open, curious mind will save you some heartache. Now I limit my readings to less than four a day, and I have other income streams that I focus on throughout the year to balance things out.




3 Tips to Promote Your Psychic Services



1. Connect with community

Connecting with and building community is essential. It can feel awkward to try to “sell” your services, so don’t. Instead, focus on spreading awareness of what it is that you do. Let people know your beliefs and why your work is important to you. It’s much more natural to speak from the heart and share with others. You can do this online, in person, or through an email list where you share. I have a weekly newsletter The Electric Curtain where I share about synchronicity and magic I have experienced throughout my life and work. 


2. Hold events to showcase your business

Demonstrating publicly and holding events is a great way to meet your future clients. When I started working professionally, psychic and mediumship house parties were very popular, and I would go to a new home every weekend and offer readings to a group. I always got several bookings after these types of events. Over time I’ve held free talks, been a guest workshop facilitator, and traveled to teach mediumship. Each time I do this, I notice a new influx of clients that I meet along the way. You don't have to do all of these things, and you can choose what feels best to you. You could even organize a talk at your local library and share your story of how you became a psychic or medium. 



3. Share your knowledge 

I firmly believe that the more we share, the more we learn. Especially if you are teaching mediumship or psychic development, be generous in sharing information. I have encountered teachers over the years who hold back information for various reasons, and as soon as I recognize that in someone, I promptly move on. 

As far as sharing with potential clients or the public, there is so much about the unseen world that people do not know, so there is much you can share. People tend to find psychic and mediumship exciting and interesting, so why not talk about what you do and educate others? You might share when you first felt moved by the spirit world or your work. You could also talk about the greatest transformation you witnessed in a client (without sharing personal information.) If you’re unsure how to start sharing, try putting into words what you do, how it makes you feel, and how your work helps others. 


Next, read more: How Healers and Spiritual Business Owners Stay Balanced


see if psychic mediumship or intuitive coaching is right for you.



Sheryl Wagner - Author

Welcome, I’m so glad you are here. I’m Sheryl, a psychic medium, teacher, and author of the book Uncovering Intuition. I love writing about my experiences with the Spirit World and the magic of synchronicity. Learn more about how you can work with me.

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